March 20, 2025
Call Of Duty Dev Error 6068

How To Troubleshoot And Fix Call Of Duty Dev Error 6068

A corrupt DirectX installation on your System can be one of the reasons for the Dev Error 6068 in Call of Duty. Outdated Windows, System Drivers, and non-optimal settings for the game are also reasons for dev Error 6068.

dev error 6068

In the game accounts for freezing/crashing of the game the Dev Error 6068 can come along with the message as follows:

The Dev Error 6068

This seems that the issue is mostly related to software aspects of the computer system used to play Call of Duty with very less likelihood of a hardware problem according to research. Here are a few solutions to be looked into before you proceed with the specific solutions:

  1. First, if you use multiple displays, then use only a single display.
  2. Then make sure if all the other games you have been working fine.
  3. To run smoothly the game requires RAM speeds of 3000 MHz, for that, make sure your system meets all the requirement.
  4. Also, Make sure you have a stable and fast internet speed.

Run the Game as Administrator

Admin privileges to access certain files and services for the requirement of Call of Duty. It can result in the Dev error 6068 if it is not given admin privileges. If launching the game with administrative privileges can help to solve the problem. For more details now will discuss the steps for launcher. And to run Call of Duty as an administrator, one can follow instructions specific to their platform.

  1. First, open the Battle then net launcher and now open the Call of Duty window.
  2. Now click on Options.
  3. Then click on “Show in Explorer”. Show Call of Duty in Explorer

Run the Game as Administrator

       4. Then in the Call of Duty folder search and right-click on Call of Duty file

       5. In the sub-menu, press on “Run as an administrator” and check if the problem is solved.  Then run the Call of Duty as Administrator

Set the Priority of Call of Duty’s Process to High

If you do not know what you are doing it is not a good idea to play with the priorities of the process but in the current scenario as the game loads your CPU & GPU quite heavily, changing the priority of its process to High Priority to fix the problem.

1. First, click right on the Task Bar and then click on the Task Manager. Now Open Task Manager

Task Manager

 2. Then find and right-click the process of the Call of Duty and now in the menu, press on Go to Details.  Now open Details of  the Call of Duty Process

right-click the process

3. Then in the Details tab right-click on the Call of Duty process, then in the menu displayed, choose Priority and now in the  sub-menu, press on High.  Then set the Priority of Call of Duty’s Process to High


4. lastly check if the game is operating fine.

Update Windows and System Drivers to the Latest Build

New updates for the OS and system drivers to improve performance and patch known bugs releases by the Microsoft and your system manufacturers. You are prone to face many issues including the current Dev Error 6068 If you are using an outdated version of Windows/system drivers. Updating Windows and the system drivers may solve the problem in this case. Even updating Windows will patch out any issues with the DirectX.

  1.  First Press Windows key and type Updates. Now in the search results click on Check for Updates. Then Check For Updates in Windows Search BoxCheck for Updates
  2. Then press Check for Updates button in the Update window. Now Check for Updates in Windows Update
  3. Now Download and install the updates. Now Check For Updates in Settings
  4. Then Download the Windows Update Assistant.
  5. Now Launch the downloaded file and follow the instructions on your screen to complete the update process.
  6. Now check the website of your system’s manufacturer for the latest version of system drivers.
  7. Lastly, After completion of the update process, check if the problem is solved.

Read More: How To Resolve Modern Warfare Crashing Error

Scan and Repair the Game Files

It can cause the game to cause the Dev Error 6068 if the game files of Call of Duty are corrupt. Here scanning and repairing the game files may solve the problem. In details, we will discuss the process for Battle and net launcher.

  1.  First Open the Battle. Then net launcher and click on Call of Duty.
  2. Then press on the Options menu (under its title) and then click on Scan and Repair. Then Scan and Repair the Call of Dutyscan and repair call of duty
  3. Now click on the Begin Scan.
  4. Then your games files will be scanned and missing/corrupted files will be downloaded.
  5. Lastly, after completion of the scan and repair of the game files, check if the problem has solved.

Use PC Screen Only Option

Call of Duty does not suitable for multi displays. Then it can be the root cause of your issue if you are using multi displays. Here using the PC screen the only option may fix the problem.

  1. First Exit the Call of Duty and Delete all of its related processes through the Task Manager.
  2. Now click on the notification icon on the system tray
  3. Then click on Project. Now open Project Setting in Notifications Centre
  4. Then select the “PC screen only” option. Then select the Option of Use PC Only
  5. Then launch the Call of Duty and check if the problem is solved.

In conclusion,

Encountering the Dev Error 6068 in gaming can be a perplexing and frustrating experience for players. This error, often associated with issues in graphics, drivers, or system compatibility, requires a systematic approach to troubleshooting. By ensuring that graphics drivers are up-to-date, adjusting in-game graphics settings, and checking for software conflicts, users can often resolve or mitigate the impact of Dev Error 6068.

Additionally, staying informed about game updates, driver releases, and community discussions can contribute to a smoother gaming experience. While the exact resolution may vary depending on the individual’s system and circumstances, the persistent efforts to address the root causes of Dev Error 6068 can significantly enhance the overall gaming performance and stability.

Pratap Patil

Hi, I'm Pratap Patil and I am a Tech Blogger from India. I like to post about technology and product reviews to the readers of my blog. Apart from blogging love to travel and capturing random faces on street.

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